Monday, August 15, 2011

Our Second Baby ;)

Salam 15 Ramadhan ;) Tup tup dah half way dah kita menempuh bulan Ramadhan ni. And tup tup lagi 2 weeks nak raya ! Whee. Memang super excited this year, tu belum cita about preparation, shopping yada-yada-yada lagik. Spare that for later okie;)

Nope nope. I am not preggie the second baby yet. Just not yet ;p Nak mencurah kasih sayang tidak berbelah bahagi utk bam bam Aryan dulu, before nak focus on 2,3,4 kids. Ehemm.Tapi walaupun begitu, I am now having 2 babies ya. Why ? Because I have one anak susuan. So Aryan actually telah mendapat seorang abang susuan.

Not than I want to brag about my EBM stock ke hapa ya. But rezeki Aryan Alhamdulillah sangat mencurah-curah. Before this, I used to send 2 frozen + 2 fresh EBM for bekalan Aryan ke rumah babysitter. But now I dah malas nak thaw the frozen EBM, and I just send 4 bottles of fresh EBM ke rumah babysitter. Even that, I still dapat store 3-4 packs utk difrozenkan. Faham ke? Macam tak faham but kesimpulannye every day I akan hantar fresh,at the same time I jugak simpan stock average another 4 packs. Means yang frozen tak sentuh, tapi hehari ialah stock bertambah.

Eh tapi bulan Ramadhan ni, stock agak berkurang. But still manage to give Aryan the fresh ones, but yang stock tu tak lagi dapat 4. Hopefully it's temporary during Ramadhan. After this harap dapat macam biasa.

Eh off topis. Nak cita pasal anak susuan actually. Disebabkan dah takde space nak letak EBM tu suma (1 freezer + 1 deep freezer telah full), and after discussed with MNI, we decided to donate it and akan ada anak susuan lah. Memang at first we felt it quite pelik & leceh. But after I joined few communities, I learnt that there are a lot of people out there who are not fortunate like us. They wanted to give the best for their babies i.e. human milk, but due to banyak perkara, they did not manage to do that. So kita yang ada lebih ni, why not we share the benefits right ? So there I go, I posted in HumanMilk4HumanBaby (HM4HB) page in FB. And macma tak percaya, banyak requests that I got. And setelah discussed yada-yada, we decided to donate to baby Nuh from Shah Alam. Panjang kisah dia, he was on breastmilk until he was 1 yr 1 mnth. But adalah sebabnya, maka her mom tak dapat continue. And worst thing, he is allergic to cow protien dalam formula milk tu. So nak taknak, he has to go on breastmilk jugak.

So camtulah dipendekkan ceritanya. Hopefully dengan ada ikatan anak susuan ni, akan mengeratkanlah relationship kami 2 family. Kami takde lah buat agreement ke hapa, just bgai copy I/C and birth cert je. For future reference kan, takut nanti terkawen adik-beradik susuan. This thing dah melibatkan keturunan, so better/wajib amik berat. And of course before taking any decision, wajib buat homework/study/faham apa hukum-hakam,siapa yang akan jatuh jadi mahram etc. 

Tengok tu, Aryan buli abg dia. Dua-dua tengah mamai laloq nak tido because it was 11PM for God sake. I woke Aryan up sebab nak bagi dia jumpa abg Nuh dia. Tapi bila nak amik gamba , bleh dia tolak-tolak cenggitu kan. Hishh Aryan..Aryan..

Past sentence : Hope that sharing of human milk akan diterima oleh masyarakat and tak mustahil utk kita bagi the best for our babies :)

1 comment:

d.a.m.i.q.u.l.a said...

semoga niat yang baik sentiase diberkati Allah,dan dicurahkan rezeki yg bertambah2 bln puase ni.barakallah ;)