Well, morning rain always drags us to work efficiently kan. Aku lagi lah kemalasan. Last week was hectis sebab Aryan was admitted to PCMC for 3 nights due to viral diarrhea. My life was kelam kabut miserable tunggang langgang and tak terurus langsung. My annual leave dah habes (suma dah plot sampai raya), so I had no choice kena berulang alik office-PCMC while MNI yang took care of Aryan.
Tegolek after few attempts to prepare the drip line failed |
View from cikebambam's room |
Btw that was not what I want to babble about. Hey you know my department is organising a teambuilding outside KL so I was fighting to get single rooms for all nursing mothers (All participants will be on twin sharing basis) Initially the organising committee was OK to give single rooms but the nursing mothers have to bear the cost. Haiiya serupa macam tak payah bagi. It's so difficult to get everyone jumps into an agreement and understanding why the nursing mothers need a single room each. Takkanlah pulak nak breastfeed secara berjemaah plak di malam hari. Pastu of course la kena bawak helper utk jaga baby while we are teambuilding-ing, aite ? Luckily I am in the organising committee group so bolehla fight for our right. I am not so concern about the bayaran if we need to pay by ourselves. The main concern here is the MINDSET. You know, nursing moms need support especially from family, friends and also the employer ! Dah kalau department/company sendiri tak support, tak bagi motivation then how are we gonna go through the journey smoothly? Nanti every year when it comes to team building ke family day ke hapa, nursing mothers dah tahu dah they have to pay the accomodation sendiri, and akan merasakan satu bebanan pulak every year. Then they will feel demotivated and terus malas nak breastfeed. Padahal, kita semua kena support breastfeeding kan ? My experience lah, rasanya baru 2 kali amik EL/ MC sebab anak sakit sebab it's already proven breastfed babies agak susah utk demam, sakit etc. Takkan itu pun tak bole appreciate all effort yang nursing moms have made?
Btw, lepas aja-aja fighting and few series of discussion, in the end the big big boss yang kata - single rooms for nursing moms. Yeay ! Big boss is very understanding and supportive, just ada few few orang yang tak berapa nak faham mungkin and tak merasakan yang perkara ini penting.
Was telling this incident to MNI last 2 days, and he said kalau susah-susah sangat tak payah pegi. And he told me that his office in Miri organised family day during weekend, few months back. Dengan selamba dia email boss dia saying : " I am sorry I couldn't attend the family day because I will be in Peninsular Malaysia during weekend.That is my true family day "
Terus rasa sebak and bergenang air mata.

true family day mmg hanya bila kita ngan family kita je kan =)
true family day ialah bila kita ngan family kita
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