Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sunday morning at PCMC

There goes our weekend. Berkampung di PCMC. Aryan was admited since Saturday morning. Hari ni Ahad, Dr Anthony pun tak dtg lagi. Doesn't look like Aryan will be discharged today.

Aryan kena tonsilitis, high fever 40 degrees camtu serius buat aku panic, muntah2, dry cough and also selsema batuk yg dah 3 weeks tak kurang. My bad sebab dah 3 weeks tu we did not bring him to the hospital. Just bagi ubat yg ada kat rumah je. Sampai dah lama benda alah tu develop tonsil, and Aryan refused to makan minum for few days. Dah lembik lemah baru bawak g paed. Ya, jgn tiru perangai saya. Itu pun igt nak tunggu appoitment dgn Dr Anthony next Tuesday, tapi dah risau sgt kitorang redah je klinik dia without appoitment. Kan Dr dia ada etika tak boleh tolak patient kan? Ni aku tgk dalam 3 idiots. Wakakak. So dptlah jumpa Dr potong org lain yg ad a appoitment tapi dtg lambat. Hehehe.

Ok pray that Aryan will get well soon k. Amin.

Happy Sunday people. Spend qualiy time with your loved ones k!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Unknown said...

So sorry to hear that..lmbt tul aku dpt berita.get well soon aryan

Unknown said...
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