Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Currently reading ...

this.. !
Seriously I feel like a first time mom pulak.. Kehkehkhe. Dulu takde nya sibuk nak baca buku hape bagai. Takpelah, nobody is perfect to ever stop learning, yes? Kalau dulu kita main redah ikut suka, this time around kita bagi ada knowledge, sikit pun takpe if tak bnyk. At least kalau things did not turn like what I desire/plan, I have sedikit knowledge to tanya itu ini, knapa nak buat itu ini, why not this procedure instead of that, what if we do it this way or that way..yada yada yada. Sekurang-kurangnya kalau end up I have to be cut-open, aku tahu benda itu betul-betul medically needed and dah try benda-benda lain yang sepatutnya. Kan yang paling penting, mommy and baby selamat and in good health. Amin.
In addition to the take-aways from the previous class, I think I missed some important points.
What is the reason induction to speed up labour ni menyebabkan sakit yg much more painful compared to natural labour?
The hormon yang menyebabkan surges/waves/contractions is called oxytocin. If we wait until the natural surges strike in, meaning the brain yang bagi sign to produce the oxytoxin which means your body is ready to be in labour. At the same time, the brain will also tell the body to release endorphin - this is the natural painkiller that blocks the reception of pain in our body.This hormon levels up when we are warm, happy,feeling loved, supported and not frightened. The amount is just nice to make both hormons working together. So bila surges dtg, the endorphin akan adapt with it.
On the other hand, if we introduce pitocin or any artificial induction to speed up labour, obviously the body is not ready yet. The brain tak tahu pun surges dah ada and it will not tell the body to produce the endorphin. So maknanya surges dtg menggila ni, tapi our body does not release any painkiller. Hence the unbearable sakit-ness and of course we will end up asking for drugs.
And there are many ways to speed up labour naturally. Maybe boleh try cara-cara ini dulu, kalau tak jalan jugak and boleh affect baby and/or mommy, then baru go for artificial induction. Hugs, nipple stimulation, walk, squat, makan pedas, acupuncture etc. The most effective way is to stay calm and cuddle with husband (lain org lain cara effective ways dia) - hugs, kisses, stimulation ni semua akan menghasilkan oxytoxin. It's the same hormon when you make love. Maka surges boleh dtg naturally inshaAllah. But of cos la kau kena discuss dgn Obgyn - to have privacy, dim light, nurses to knock the door before entering, etc. Kang tak pasal nurse masuk bilik kau tgh beraksi plak. Kahkahkah ;p 

3 years back episiotomy was a routine kat sini. Maknanya, kau perlu atau tak, tetap kena episiotomy. But now kadar nya dah menurun 30%. Means, kalau necessary, baru kena gunting. Which is good. I thought dulu-dulu lah, kalau kene episiotomy luka akan cepat baik sebab gunting cantik je straight kan. But actually bila gunting, dia akan across muscles and kemungkinan lambat sikit baik lah luka itu. Compared to natural tear, dia akan koyak mengikut aliran and urat2 muscle. So senang sikit nak baik. Paham ke dok eh ayat ni. Whatever lah. But the the best is of cos takyah gunting lah and takde tear.
Kalau tak episiotomy, muscle yg elastic kat situ akan squeeze baby naturally masa baby nak keluar tu. So lendir, liquid kat baby tu akan di-squeeze out naturally. Compared kalau dah kena gunting, baby keluar blooppp cenggitu. Takde nya elastic muscle to hold and squeeze out. Sebab tu kena rajin buat kegel dan jugak perineum massage. Herm self-reminder. Serious aku pemalas.
Ok dah. Di hari terakhir 2013 ni org semua cerita pasal highlights in 2013 dan azam tahun baru. Aku malas lah pulak. Every year azam pun sama je. Eheh.
Tapi additional to azam-azam yang tahun-tahun lepas tu, aku berazam utk lebih berjimat cermat in 2014. Eco(nomics) year katanya. Memacam cara harus buat - cook more at home, less makan luar, tutup suis the whole rumah while we are out, bawak keta Myvi gi kerja to save fuel, orked putih bawak gi jalan jauh je, gi pasar pepagi buta on Saturday to beli lauk seminggu instead beli kat Jusco every 3 days.. haa terasa enough the tekanan ekonomi? Kakhakha. Kesian lah kat middle class income kan. Ditelan mati emak, diluah mati bapak. Serious weh, season parking aku naik from RM210 per month kepada RM270 starting January 2014. Itu baru parking okkkeeeeee. Apehal parking pun nak naik harga aku pun tak paham. Padahal tahun lepas baru naik harga.Ergh.
Happy New Year all :)

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