Monday, December 23, 2013

Hrmm. My personal opinion.

Takut sebenarnya nak comment.. Nanti tak pasal-pasal org print screen pastu jadikkan issue. Ouch.
Disclaimer : This is my very personal opinion. Takyah mengada nak jadikkan issue. Kalau kau setuju, aku ok. Atau tak setuju pun aku  ok jugak.
If you already read the news spread on laman sosial on the 2nd death of a homebirth mom. Innalillah.
And banyak nya comments and statements kat FB, from my personal friend list pun bnyk. Not to mention from professional doctors. I respect all of your opinions, and thank you for sharing all the information.
And there are few people jugak asking me on my decision to gentle birth my second baby. Or more like asking me to give it a second thought.
First of all, gentle birth and unassisted homebirth are 2 different things. Gentle birth can be done at the hospital setting. So far class yang aku pegi, and also group gentle birthing yang aku follow, NONE of the content supports UNASSSISTED HOMEBIRTH. And all decisions made by moms & dads must be an INFORMED decision. Bukan simply simply main redah & terjah sahaja. And we are well-informed that doulas/birth companions are not a medically certified people. I know it from the beginning of considering the gentle birth option.
Hoi aku pun tak brani nak buat unassisted homebirth. Unless kalau laki aku seorang Obgyn. Itu pun kena fikir 246 kali. Aku pun tahu knowledge aku tak seberapa utk take the unassisted homebirth risks. And I also tak brapa confident with Malaysia environment kalau emergency, boleh ke ambulance sampai in 5 mins? Hermm nope I dont think so. And boleh ke medical support sampai immediately. Another hermm..oh tak kot. So the informed decision that I have now is to gentle birth at the hospital with an Obgyn who supports the gentle birthing idea and also will provide me with the most accurate information so that I can make an informed decision, if medical intevention is necessary. I am not against the interventions, kalau it is really really necessary, and I will be informed (or MNI will be informed pada ketika itu), then that is fine with me.
- Sebab masa Aryan dulu, there was no strong/medical reason to induce labour. But aku kena induce. Bila tanya doctor knapa nak induce, dia kata dah cukup term (38 weeks at that time, not even passing my EDD pun), baby's heart rate was ok cuma aku rasa baby kurang aktif sikit but still ok. And she said the baby is healthy to start seeing the world. There you go , I got induced at 38 weeks which sepatutnya tak perlu pun. At that time, aku naive. I dont mind pun kena induce. Tak tahu pun sakit induce tu akan 5 kali lagi sakit dari tak induce. So memang macam orang gila meroyan nak roboh hospital aku jerit tahan sakit.
- And I did not know once labour is induced , it will have a snow ball effect to other interventions. Sebab sakit sangat, amik drugs itu dan ini, in the end i opted for epidural. But doctor tak sempat inject epidural sebab Aryan dah keluar ketika aku tgh mengepit. Scary enough bila fikir jarum epidural dah kat tulang belakang, and  aku tak boleh duduk diam sebab sakit nak mamp, and I already felt the urge to push the baby? Nasib baik Aryan tak terpancut keluar jatuh dari katil (mind you takde sape sambut Aryan sebab nobody was aware of what's happening down there, semua tgh focus nak cucuk aku epidural & I was 8cm dilated already at that time) & luckily aku tak terkepit dia kuat-kuat. And nasib baik jugak my dilation was progressing. Kalau tak progress, aku tak tau pun akan lead to 2nd dose induction and finally akan kena c-section.

- I was given gas jugak for pain killer. Apart from the injection apa entah I did not know at that time because I was not informed or even asked for permission. But at that time saya hanya menyerah diri, without knowing gas itu buat aku mamai, and of course affect the bonding & breastfeeding the newborn. (Memang tak dapat pun, read the last point).
- And masa in labour tu, nurse suka hati buat VE withour my consent. It was so uncomfortable and I hate it so much. At least please inform me, takdelah tgh aku sakit nak mati in labour tu kau main rodok-rodok je. Excuse my harsh words, but that was how I felt. And all this took place in a private hospital.
- Dan I felt like moving around masa sakit, nak berguling, menonggeng, berjalan etc. But I got strapped sebab kena buat CTG, And the pain sebab kena lay down tak boleh bergerak was gosh unbearable.
- And lagi, I got 1st degree tear. Masa jahit, boleh pulak salah jahit. And bukak balik jahitan, jahit semula... Aaaaa. I dont want to remember this. Gosh, trauma aku.
- And unfortunately , I did not get the chance to skin-to-skin & breastfeed Aryan immediately after birth. Depa dah amik Aryan pi bersihkan timbang apa segala, then baru let me hold Aryan. Sedih.
Cenggitulah. So for this second birth, aku nak lah experience yg tidak men-traumakan. Of course I go for routine check-ups, and discuss with the Obgyn boleh ke tak aku nak gentle birth. Sebab kalau baby or mommy (or both) not medically fit (btul ke term ni?) or at risks, Obgyn will not allow a gentle birth. So far my check-ups Alhamdulillah Dr Idora kata ok. Hope the 'ok' condition will continue until a safe delivery. Harap baby akan turun and position himself correctly & takde problems last minute. I just pray for an easy & safe delivery dan baby lahir sihat & sempurna. Amin.


khdjhAdbh12 said...

Salam :)

I wish Insyaallah all your plan goes well. Fighting for what u want and what u deserve. Wish u all the best!

Unknown said...


saya agree. apa yang penting adalah informed decision. whether its about melahirkan anak atau pasal vaccination. sometimes saya agak skeptikal dengan sesetengah manusia.. mostly they think mati beranak dgn gentle birth tak ok.. tapi mati beranak kat hospital is ok. yes. it is preventable. tapi kes kat hospital juga sesetengahnya preventable. whether kematian bayi atau ibu..

pada saya.. tak perlulah nak melatah menggembar gemburkan isu. yes. ianya satu perkara yg menyedihkan. tapi saya rasa arwah dan suaminya dah tau risiko yg bakal mereka ambil dan despite of that.. mereka buat keputusan macam tu. saya tak rasa ada sesiapa layak utk judge dan komen begitu begini pada mereka..

Teefa Rosly said...

erin traumanya aku baca birthing experience kau aaaaaa..
aku juga pro as natural as possible birth. so i am following closely ur hypnobirthing stuff ni..reference utk next baby katanyaaa..
pasal unassisted birth at home ni mmg aku against it sesangat la becos the key issue is 'no medical personnel to assist labour'. harap pasni takda lg kes gini..