Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Endoscopy and now colonoscopy

Hati mak pecah lagi sekali. Sebab anak masuk hospital lagi. Sobs.

Well we were scheduled to be admitted actually. So hati kebal sikit sebab dah mentally prepared. Sempat buat doa selamat dan makan-makan raya 2 hari sebelum admitted.

Why admitted again? 

Oh sebab perut dan usus Aryan masih belum sembuh sepenuhnya. He had tremendous improvement tapi at least once a week mesti ada episod sakit perut yang sampai dia merengkot tahan sakit, muntah-muntah dan tak boleh makan dan minum langsung. Hati ibu mana yang boleh berdiam diri melihat keadaan anak begitu.

Punca sakit perut dan usus ? As for now, bermula dari alahan ubat. But according to Dr Nazrul, sepatutnya kesan alahan itu tidak akan prolong until 6 month! Yes you read me right, 6 bulan. Dr Nazrul prescribed 'Nexium' a kind of ubat gastric to be taken twice a day. Aryan responded well to this meds tapi as I mentioned earlier, masih ada episod sakit perut kronik itu once a week at least.

That is why Dr Nazrul nak buat colonocopy to ensure and to see sendiri keadaan usus besar. Bahagian perut dah tengok through endoscopy which was conducted in June. Dari endoscopy tu yang conclude a severe gastritis. Colonoscopy ni buat sebab takut Aryan kena IBD - Irritable Bowel Disease.

Alhamdulillah the procedure went well. Aryan had to be full GA, kat situ hati mak pecah lagi. From the procedure Dr Nazrul nampak mmg ada inflammation dekat bahagian hujung usus besar but not that severe. To him kalau begitu level inflammation, tak mungkin Aryan punya sakit tu sangat teruk. So he decided to to CT Scan to evaluate bahagian usus kecil pula (colonoscopy tak dapat tengok bahagian usus kecil). From CT Scan, it shows that ada bahagian usus kecil yang bengkak dan nampak macam blockage.There you go, that might answer segala teka-teki selama ini.

Dr Nazrul kata kalau blockage, we may need to allow for a surgery to remove that blocked part. Hati pecah lagi sekali seboleh bolehnya taknak. Sebab kalau secara logiknya, if completely blockage, takkan Aryan bowel dia regular everyday? Shi shi poo poo semua normal.Kalau blockage bukan ke patut muntah hari-hari? Simple logical thinking from an engineer. Hekhek.

So after discussion, Dr Nazrul decided to do another test macam tracer test. Aryan needs to drink 'barium' pastu buat macam 4D seismic, amik gambar (x-ray) every 1 or 2 hours to see the movement through the digestive system. Results shoe mmg lambat sungguh movement itu, but the point is barium tu boleh lalu through that 'blockage'. Makanya Dr Nazrul kata tidaklah critical utk do the surgery now. Instead he advised to wait for the lab result next week so he can decide what medication to use to treat that inflammation and reduce the 'blockage' (Masa buat colonoscopy dapat ambil tissue usus tpt inflammation itu). Or even if a surgery is needed, apa apa pun tgu lab results tu dulu.Doakan yang terbaik utk putera hatiku.

By the way, nak meredah all the procedures, aku snagatlah cuak. Because semua itu membuatkan Aryan tertekan and emotionally unstable. Especially nak pasang drip, nak bagi sedation, full GA, even nurses asyik datang pun buat Aryan stress ya amat. Aku sangat lah kena menjaga emosi dia because any stressful event can trigger seizures on him. Sedih hati mak ni I dont know how to describe. Up to a point I feel so tired already to handle and manage semua ni, tetapi bila berlaku perkara-perkara keluar masuk hospital ni, macam aku kena start balik all over again. Astaghfirullah.. Cepat cepat istighfar. Bahawasanya setiap kesembuhan itu adalah milik dan izin Allah. Kalau kita usaha sekuat mana, rasa penat segunung pun, kalau Dia tidak izinkan sihat, maknanya Dia masih nak menguji hambaNya. Apa-apa pun kita kena yakin yang Dia mengetahui apa yang terbaik utk kita.

Ok nak cerita how did I manage Aryan emotion and to avoid seizures during hospital stay especially masa nak masuk and keluar OT ? Tadaaa ..... Joy and Brain Power essential oils! Alhamdulillah these oil worked well on him.

Macam mana guna? Brain Power on brain stem pagi dan malam. Pastu hari yg ada kena masuk OT, sapu brain power sekerap mungkin like every 15 mins. Joy pula on wrist and liver area juga every 15 mins. Aku siap bawak 2 EO ni masuk OT. Nurse and doctor pelik apesal bau wangi sangat ni (sebab dalam Joy ada rose, so mmg wangi). Tapi mak buat muka selenga ke apply the oils, aku dah tak kisah dah. So long tak kacau kerja doctor kan.

Right after he came out from OT

Brain Power and Joy

 Doakan kesembuhan sempurna buat Aryan. Semoga lab result next week takde apa yang serious. We plan to see doktor homeopathy this week. Later I'll update apa pandangan dia pula, inshaAllah.


Unknown said...

erin,ak doakan aryan sembuh sepenuhnya..back to normal.sedih plak tgk kuar masuk wad camni.dr belakang nmpak kurus sgt.InshaAllah dengan izinNya aryan akan completely recover.Tabah n sabar.Amin..-Seri

nAdia said...

Hi erin..dah lame xbace u update pasal aryan..smoga cepat sembuh..actually sy bloghopping,then sangkut kt ur blog..n sy follow dr awl smpai skrg..hope all is well with u n ur family..-nadia-