Friday, July 13, 2012

The Lasik surgery

We arrived at Vista The Curve at 430pm. 30 mins earlier than the appointment. Tak kesah lah, cepat buat cepat balik bak kata MNI. Amboi senangnya dia bercakap, bini dia dah panik macam nak beranak ni tak tau? Luckily the environment there is so cosy and tak melemahkan semangat org nak pegi surgery ni. But people may assume it is a simple surgery because it takes 15 mins for the whole process. Yes you read me right, 15 min jah for that amount that I've spent. Duh.

Vista, The Curve
After waiting for about 10 mins, they asked me to rest my eyes at a dedicated area. Suh tutup mata peluk bantal ke hapa lah, janji kau relax. There was another malay lady yang sama-sama rabun teruk macam aku (sebab aku nampak specs tebal dia, heh), pun nak undergo the same surgery. Dia pun buat Nasa iLasik. Lepas rest mata for about 10 mins, they brought me for detailed check. Nak confirm how much power for each eye, cornea thickness yada yada yada. Lepas dah detailed check, baru lah kena sign the letter of consent. So kalau apa-apa berlaku, I cannot sue the doctor or the centre. Tu yang takut tu kan, but ai nekad je sign. After sign, barulah kau swipe credit card kau. Double ouchh.

Btw, at Vista you will entitiled for lifetime warranty. Say for examplem after few years mata kau kembali rabun dan buat kau tak selasa, you can go for another surgery at no cost. But it depends on kornea kau cukup tebal tak at that time utk dikorek. And of course you will need to use the same technology or yg lower, eventhough mungkin pada ketika itu ada 10 technology lagi bagus. Kalau nak technology baru tu, you will need to pay the price difference.

Lepas bayar semua, barulah kau bleh dilaser. Dia bawak la aku masuk the surgery room and asked me to change to their proper attire. Takleh bawak sesiapa masuk surgery room but they allow viewer to watch the whole process kat luar bilik tu. Ada screen yg besar utk viewer tu tgk dengan jelas apa yg berlaku. So MNI pun tepacak la tengok kat luar tu.

Surgery room. Viewer tgk from luar dinding kaca itu
Masuk je situ, aku dah seriau dah. At that dah nyesal tak sudah apehal la aku pi buat keputusan cenggini. Tapi nak taknak aku redah jugak. Oh to those who are not familiar with Lasik process ni, ac tually dia da 3 steps :
1) buat flap sangat nipis on the cornea, then selak flap itu
2) bila flap dah selak, laser akan reshape the cornea
3) tutup balik flap tu, dan rata-ratakan dia

So the first machine yang aku kena baring ialah utk create the flap. I was asked to look at a circle sampai terasa ada satu suction menyedut bebola mata aku. Bila suction tu starts, actually the cornea being lasered to create a flap by creating bubbles below the lapisan nipis. Aku tau kau susah gile nak imagine, aku pun sama but cenggitu lah ringkasan kekdahnya. Of course at that time mata dah numb tak rasa pape coz dah bius kan. But the suction tu still boleh rasa. And bebola aku tak reti dok diam pandang atas, tu yang aku risau kot dia salah buat flap kang. Nauzubillah. This process took about 20secs per eye.

Big screen yang menunjukkan segala apa yang berlaku
After dah buat flap, aku kene bangun pegi machine lagik satu. kau gila bijik mata dah kene korek,pastu suh aku gi jalan to another machine. But redah je la lagi skali. This time was the real laser for eye correction. So kat situ, flap yang dibuat sebentar tadi diselak, menampakkan permukaan kornea yang nak di-reshape or di-laser. Pastu I could smell mcm something burn, that was the bau laser lah, So scary oi. Pastu they asked me to focus to 1 titik merah ni, then trus laser start. Bunyik dia kuat like ketik ketik ketik ketik. Sapa pernah buat laser muka, ha lebih kurang camtu la process dia but kau imagine this is mata oke. This process took 50 secs per eye. Yang penting pada ketika ini kau kene pandang titik merah tu. Kalau tak mata kau tak reti diam, kang ntah mana laser tu pegi. Eii seriau.

Berpindah tu second machine

That was me me me !! Ready to be lasered
After siap dedua belah mata, terus they gelak gelak kegembiraan. Padehal aku takut nak mampus sebab pandangan aku tadi gelap tiba-tiba, maybe masa dia nak tutup balik flap tu. nak tutup flap tu plak macam main gam kanji ok. Dia letak menatang apae ntah macam gam, selet selet kat mata then ratakan. Tak boleh ada gelembung udara bawah flap ntu, kang aku nampak object lain atas mata, After dah gam gam flap tu, maka selesaikan proses Lasik. Sounds easy kan> But cuba kau duduk situ tengok panik ke tak.

Immediately after siap tu they asked to read the time kat jam diding. Walaupun masih kabur, aku bleh baca it was 6.02PM. Alhamdulillah, aku masih dapat melihat. Pastu aku pun keluar, tukar baju, amik ubat, and pegi kat MNI, pastu balik ! Memang pedih la mata after surgery tu, in fact aku takleh bukak mata because sgt watery. Asal bukak je, kuar ayaq mata kasih. So aku pejam je mata sampai umah. Mlm tu, aku makan ubat tido sebab macam susah nak tido.

The flap tu took 4 hours to heal/flattened. So memang dinasihatkan utk tido 4 hrs after surgery. but aku membongkang sampai pagi sebab telan ubat tido tu lah. Bangun pagi, feeling feeling amazing gitu sebab tak payah pakai lense or carik specs. At least aku nampak nak amik berus gigi and amik wudhu :)

If u ask me the results, susah nak cakap sekarang sebab it is only my dah 6. The next day after surgery pegi check up, but seriously sgt blurry yang aku rasa baik aku pakai contact lense lagi cantik pandangan mata aku tuh. but dr kata mmg it takes time gradually to get a perfect vision. So aku kene bersabar. tambahan pula pembuluh darah aku bnyk yg putus dah pecah masa surgery. For normal people, pembuluh darah kau mestilah takde kat kornea, but aku sebab pakai contact lense tanpa kawalan, tu yang blodd vein tu macam mana membiak biak dengan gembira dalam mata. So bila kene laser je, dia pecah ! That is the reason my healing process takes longer time. And sebab tu la mata aku rasa strain aku kekadang pedih and dr bagi aku MC 1 week.

Day 5 baru rasa selesa and ada improvement :) Lusa aku ada check-up lagi. Then tengok macam mana progress penglihatan aku k ! But as for now, Alhamdulillah I'm quite happy with the result at least dapat the vision sama macam pakai contact lense dulu. Mungkin expectation aku tinggi snagat nak dptkan perfect vision. Takpe kita tengok nanti results dia over time :)

Bekalan ubat - 1 utk elak infection ke hapa2, 1 utk heal cepat, 1 utk  moist kan mata senantiasa


zarith said...

sesak nafas baca entry ni. teringin gak nak buat. tapi takutttt!!!!!! nak buat lasik ni ada minimum power ke baru leh buat?

Kak Erin said...

takde minimun pun zarith. dia penah buat power org as low as 75 :)

AY-Shop said...

Salam...awak...mata awak skrg mcm mana..? Dh perfect vision ker..?? Esok sy nk full screening kat prince court. Dlm dilema nk buat kt mna sbnrnya ni..huhu

Kak Erin said...

Alhamdulillah dah ok. Last time i check up masa 1 month, 6.5 camtu. The best vision is 6. But at that time my eyes were quite dry. Now after 3 months, i think i should get the 6 vision already. memang bnyk improvement compared to 1 mnth check-up. Nak buat kat mana, depends on your power yang nak reduce. Check dulu kalau kat pcmc, boleh tak remove semua power. sebab last time i check, with their machine my power akan still remain about 200-300(still need to use specs). thats why i chose vista because pakai i_Lasik boleh remove semua power but of course a bit more expensive. tapi puas hati sebab takde power tinggal dah :)

Buttercup said...

Salam.. Trimass ats perkongsian.. Mmg terasa debarannya.. Itulah ada dengar org masih perlu pakai spek after lasik.. Rupe2nye ikut teknologi lasik yg digunakan dan power mata kita ye.. Tq2.. So how r u now?

Unknown said...

Did lasik in excelview midvalley..Vision is not good.. Night vision is terrible with glare, haloes and starbust. It is so real.. please share with others. Be responsible and spread love.