Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Moi Lasik experience - Pre Lasik

Finally I've gone through the procedure on 6th July 2012. It was on Friday. Why so sudden? jgn ditanya, aku sendirik pun takut dengan kepurusan yang aku buat mcm tak menyempat nak berfikir dengan waras.

Why Lasik?
Actually I've been thinking about this for about 2 years already. After kawen la start pikio sebab bangun pagi tak nampak muka laki aku dengan jelas. Eh. Then peknen Aryan, I had to melupakan hasrat itu sebab preggers are not suitable for this surgery. After that full breastfeed Aryan plak, another condition which makes you a no-candidate. reason being, hormon during pregnancy and breastfeeding will affect your cornea thickness and shape. So mungkin yang mesin tu measure is kinda artificial thickness and shape. Oi takut. SInce aku pun dah slowly stop breastfeed Aryan, and according to Prof Muhaya kalau dah after 6 mnths breastfeed, then should be ok, aku pun confident sikit lah nak buat sekarang.

And I've been super rabun since I was in standard 3. Started wearing glasses in standard 4 and my initial power at that time was 400 per eye already. Orang start pakai specs power baru 100, tapi kau dah 400. Lepas rasa muka macam ugly betty, konon2 nak rasa cun sikit, so started wearing contact lense when I was in form 4.At that time power dah approaching 1000 per eye. After 18 years of being rabun, I started to feel unconfartable in my eyes. Due to many reasons but I know for sure it is because of aku pakai contact lense sepanjang masa selama 12 tahun kecuali time tido malam. Tido siang aku aku belasah pakai lense. But Alhamdulillah contact lense aku tak pernah ilang dalam mata macam certain people had experienced. Ok takut lagi sekali.

Starting in 2011 I started to get eye infections. Mata merah, strain, tetiba kabur, pedih and whatnots. I was referred to Prof Muhaya utk rawatan lanjut. Amik gamba sana sini dalam mata, and tengok-tengok bllod vein dalam mata aku tu dah memanjang nak kena ke anak mata itam dah.

curik from google
Ini disebabkan mata dah lama kurang bernafas. If I were to continue wearing contact lense, ada risk la complications la hapa aku pun tak paham. So Dr suruh aku pakai glasses, or opt for Lasik. Tapi masa tu aku degil, aku pakai je contact lense selama setahun lebih lagik. Sebab kalau pakai specs, terus aku sakit otak sebab specs tu tebal sangat, dan berat. Sakit batang idung aku.

Sampailah aku dah stop breastfeed Aryan, and selalu rasa uncomfortable in my eyes, so I decided to go for Lasik.

Choosing your clinic and doctor
Kan ke aku memang eye check-up dgn Prof Muhaya. So aku pun nak la buat Lasik kat PCMC. So buat appoitment for initial screening segala, But I tell you, susah sgt nak dapat slot dgn Prof Muhaya.Padahal pada ketika itu aku dah took off my contact lense for a week. Sebab nak undergo the procedure kene bukak lense at least 1 week. Then bila appoitment tak dapat, pastu kene cancel lah apelah, aku dah tak tahan pakai specs lama-lama. Up to a point mata macam rasa nak pecah maybe because of the high power which my brains takleh adapt. FYI power contact lense tak sama dengan power specs. Specs will always have higher power.

Then aku gugel gugel, baca forum, buat research sikit, utk org power tinggi and kornea nipis macam aku, memang ramai yang go for Nasa iLasik sebab itu je yang sesuai in terms of to save more cornea tissue. And technology tu ada kat Vista saje. So aku malas nak fikir banyak, sebab otak mata semua dah sakit and macam nak pecah, I called Vista for an appointment. Nak check dulu or mintak ubat ke apa-apa la supaya ilang sakit mata ngan kepala aku.

I went to Vista Bangsar branch. The doctor there is Dr Shamala Ganesan. Memula niat aku nak buat kat PCMC tu sebab aku nak Dr Muslim, but masa kejadian ini berlaku dengan begitu cepat, aku tak fikir bnyk dah. I just want to get rid of the ketidakselesaan dan sakit sakit tu semua. Sampai sana dalam kol 11 pagi, trus check-check and as expected, Yes boleh buat Lasik but only Nasa iLasik which costs me a whopping RM. Kacinggg ! My cornea thickness is only 532 (unit aku taktau), which is at the lower range because the suitable thickness is between 500 to 600. And usually people have thicjness of about 550-570, and mine is 532 sahaja. Sobs.

They scheduled me the next week for the procedure. But aku gatal tanya boleh tak nak buat terus? Sebab kau tak tahan nak pakai specs lagik. Fortunately memang diorang buat Lasik tu on Friday only. And ada slot kosong ptg tu. Dia tanya aku serius ke nak buat terus, and I said yes. Gila aku macam tak sedar je aku decide macam tu. And dia bgth dia akan skip 1 procedure which is to dilate my eyes sebab takut kalau dilate at that time, then tak cukup time utk dia go back to normal. Aku cuak gak, but of course Dr Shamala check dulu boleh proceed ke tak. And she said mata sihat utk proceed without that procedure.

Serius aku nerves macam nak beranak. What if the procedure fails, ke machine tu rosak tetiba la segala macam dalam kepala otak. They asked me to go back and pegi branch The Curve kol 5pm sebab machine laser laser tu suma kat The Curve. Suma surgery will be done only at The Curve. So aku balik dulu lah, gi makan, hantar susu extra kat babysitter in case aku balik lambat and Aryan tak cukup susu and of course doa and zikir bnyk2 nak tenangkan hati.

Sedar-sedar kol 430 dah terpacak kat The Curve. Luckily MNI was around sebab after the surgery tu, takleh drive ye. You will need a driver :)

Ok sambung later. I should not be sitting in front of lappy too often sebab mata tak heal lagik. My healing process is a bit slow, so dr bagi aku 1 week MC. Nanti aku story mory k. Sepatutnya after surgery, the next day dah boleh kerja macam biasa but not in my case. Today is day 5 after surgery and aku still rasa a bit blurry. Resultnya pun nanti aku cita okek.


Unknown said...

Hi. May I know how is your vision now?
Thank you.

Unknown said...

Please allow me to share my experince in here for benefit of other people.
just want to share my lasik experience.
Please share with your friends to safe them or their love one.
Did lasik in excelview mid valley kuala lumpur malaysia.
But my vision is not good with haloes,. Night vision is even worse with haloes, blurr and starbust..
Please keep your glasses. Dont do lasik because nobody can guarantee the result and u might be upset for the rest of yourlife. Nothing wrong with thick glasses. Safe your eyes.

Kak Erin said...

So far my vision is OK after 2.5 years of Lasik. Night vision is not 100% clear but definitely much better than wearing contact lenses (due to my very high astig)