Meh nak share cerita skincare. I always got this 'hah kau gile ke Erin' when I tell people that I am using Tabita skincare. Frankly speaking, I did not do much research about it when I decided to use this product. Biasalah kan,wanita sememangnya cepat terpengaruh dengan benda benda kecantikan ni. Padehal kulit aku bukanlah bermasalah bebeno (ecewah), tapi pompuan kan jenis tak puas hati selagi boleh. Konon nak macam kulit baby katanya.
So aku redah je lah pakai Tabita ni. First 2 weeks as expected memang kulit menggelupas. Rasa macma nak amik MC sebab malu nak jumpa kawan-kawan.Gaahaa. But after that I felt the skin so mulus tulus gitu Eh. The set comes in 4 items- facial wash, toner, day cream and night cream. Sepanjang aku pakai product ni, Alhamdulillah my skin became better lah. Akan tetapi ramai yg kata product ni merbahaya that's why the effect of menggelupas and whitening affect tu are so instant. Barulah aku tekedek-kedek buat research and all. But still pakai macam biasa. Akan tetapi I did not use the toner frequently. Maybe dalam twice a week je because pedih dia mak aii, menjerit jerit ai ok. Fine, this one I exagerate. Memang sakit pun !
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I don't intent to condemn any product here tau. It's really up to you. If you feel your skin serasi with it, then proceed lah. As for me, aku rasa tak sedap hati bila ada perasaan ragu-ragu dalam jiwa.Wah gitu. Even though ianya serasi dan bagus utk my skin (seriously aku suka sgt affect dia to my skin, the complexion.. the skin tone), but having that doubt day and night, hidup aku tak tenteram. It's all depends on you. Really.

my skin x sesuai lansung dgn clinique. pastu bila guna SKII plus nu skin baru ok. meh try meh. hehe
is true no label & content, akibat ragu was was. play safe good suggestion.
Agreed padu, kalau was-was & ragu ragu.
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