Btw, initially I thought the trip to Gol Coast will only take 5++ hours. Sebab aku tgk time departure and arrival, then tolak cenggitu je, totally forgot about the time difference. Skali masa stewardess cakap-cakap, eh ape kehal flight ni 8 hours? Homaigad. The reason we chose Gold Coast was sebab nak yang less than 6 hours flight because I am not ready to manage Aryan in a long flight. Skali 8 hours, aduhailah...Luckily Aryan tak menanges or mengamuk, he just tak reti duduk diam nak jejalan and sibuk nak main dgn kids lain yg dia nampak. Over friendly eh?
Btw, the 2nd day in Gold Coast was our beach day out! And also jejalan around city sahaja. We also took the evening cruise. So nice hokei. It was during weekday so itu cruise macam kami yang punya. Ala-ala cruise mewah gitu perasaan dia ;p The price is different kalau kau naik time pagi, tgh pagi, tghari, ptg or malam. Sebab food dia served berbeza lah of course. Food non-halal so no point amik lunch & dinner kan. Thats why we opted for evening cruise. They served coffee, tea and some cookies & fruits. Cost is AUD 35 per pax for 1.5 hours cruise. Kalau dinner, it will cost you AUD 60 kot kalau tak silap.
Mari perasan cruise ini kita yang punya..
They provide colouring kit to entertain kids So they dont get bored and buat porak peranda dalam cruise :)
Dah turun from the cruise. It was raining and worst thing was tak bawak stroller cover Aryan. Terpaksalah tunduk2 berjalan payungkan dia.
After cruise, we headed to the Surfers Paradise. Luckily the rain stopped.
The Gold Coast city..
The 3rd day, went to the Movie World. Ticket price sama macam Sea World. Actually you can get cheaper if you buy VIP ticket inclusive of Sea World, Movie World and Wet & Wild. Tapi sebab kami menggunakan service travel agent , semuanya diorang yg belikan. Kalau beli ticket sendiri, you can save almost AUD100 per person.
Aryan met the Bugs Bunny !
Semangat dia nak naik bumper car. Sekali tak reti nak jalan. So asyik jadi mangsa langgar je anak aku.
Pun hujan masa kat Movie World. Pun terpaksa bungkus Aryan macam ni, Pity you baby. Lesson learnt, kalau travel bersama anak, bnyk benda kena angkut ye. Tak payah la nak kedekut space tu takna bawka, ni taknak bawak. Hemph !
The Stunt Driver show ! Syiok oo diorang stund dalam hujan.
Ni pose baru yg mommy ajar Aryan. Eheh. To the Ice Age 4D show.
Deddi yg bersemangat nampaknya. Adakah sebab ada Wonder Woman?
Before balik, kita paw deddi dulu. Whheee.

1 comment:
syoknyeee aryan jln jauh. halahaiii...cute okeh aryan buat pose baru tu.anak aku mmg tak koser nk buat pose2 ni.nk pndg kamera pn ssh T_T
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