We were supposed to tour Brisbane on the 4th day. It was included in the travel agent fee that we paid upfront in Malaysia. Read : Sri Sutera Travel & Tours.
The way this agency works is, you plan your tour, tell them, they will arrange your transport, tickets etc accordingly, you pay the fee and they will provide you the service vouchers. Finally you just show those vouchers to the driver and theme park entrance. ( We only used their service for transportation arrangement, airport transfers, and tickets to all theme parks. Flight ticket, hotel and meals semuanya kami dah book sendiri)
In the service voucher, it was written our pick-up was at 7am to Brisbane. So we terpacak-ed at the hotel lobby as early as 645am. Cewah macam lah awal bebeno. We waited there for more than an hour tapi bayangan van pun takde. Nak dijadikan cerita, it was on Sunday kemain susah nak call sini sana sebab semuanya tutup. Sri Sutera of course la dia outsource to travel agent kat Gold Coast kan. And this Gold Coast travel agent plak outsource the Brisbane tour to another travel agency. Huwah i felt like kicking their face pada ketika itu.And paling aku nak sumpah seranah is Sri Sutera of course. Sebab rupa-rupanya dia key-in our pick-up point at different hotel. Hoh kau tak buat kerja ke hape benda penting mcm ni pun kau tak double check? Serious I was so disapointed with their service. Sejak dari awal masa we decided to use their service pun dah buat hal ye dek non. Contoh yang terjadi pada kami :
1) Pick-up time utk airport transfer from hotel to the airport, dia pegi letak pukul 3pm. Padehal 3pm tu is our arrival time kat LCCT. Hoh crazy enough? Luckily MNi perasan heh ape kehal pick up time ni ptg, padehal our Goldcoast-KL flight was at 10am.
2) All pick-up point dia pegi letak kat hotel seberang jalan that is The Crowne Hotel. Itu 5 star hotel hokei. Mampoo sgt kami nak dok situ ke? They claimed nama hotel kami tinggal takde dalam system so dia letak je nama hotel terdekat and expect us to walk to the nearest hotel itu. Lagi skali aku nak sumpah seranah, the reason aku amik travel agent was sebab malas nak fikir & jalan2 carik transport. Now u asked us to walk to another hotel utk amik transport. Biatch.
3) After MNi insist utk tukar pick-up point tu, baru dia tukar. Hoi kami bayar okei kau, bukan amik service kau free. Pastu utk Brisbane tour ni, dia boleh pegi letak pick-up point kat hotel lain lagi (not the one yg near to our hotel mcm memula tu). Ini mmg hotel yg super jauh and tak masuk akal kalau kata kau tersalah key-in dalam system and whatnots. And bila call kompeni yg dia outsource tu, they said that the driver waited for more than out at the hotel. Disebbakan kami takde, driver tu dah blah ! Boleh? Blah just like that without any effort to call us or cari ke hapa. Duhh no tipon semua ada okei. Hemph!!
I guess that would be the first and last time we used Sri Sutera Travel & tours. Bad experience and I think that was enough to ruin our holiday. Disebabkan Brisbane tour to cancel just like that, we asked for full refund for that particular day. And worst among the worst, sampai hari ini pun tak dapat refund itu lagi.
So dipendekkan cerita, on the 4th day tu we had to travel on our own and plan sendiri mana nak pegi. We decided to visit the Paradise Country since MNi nak sgt merasa pegang koala and kangaroo (sepatutnya activity ini dilakukan di Brisbane , included dalam tour tu).
See dedua budak comel ni cool je. Walaupun rasa tertipu tak dapat pegi Brisbane ;(
At the Paradise Country tu, dia macam original Aussie farm la.Kangaroo biar lepas and we could freely feed them, boleh pegang itu koala...ada ternakan2 ladang yg lain, pertunjukan kuda, anjing, boomerang.. mencari batu jade, sheep shearing show etc. It's a small place really. We finished the tour in 2.5 hours sahaja.
Amik gamba pegang koala. Cost you AUD18. Kemain berat koala tu MNi kata. Range 9-13kg. Wah dah macam berat Aryan. Hohoh.
Ini sheep shearing show. Tgk dia gondolkan bulu sheep tinggal nampak tulang je sheep tu kesian..
Lunch berlatang belakangkan ladang yg nyaman & fresh ! Actually you can buy the Paradise Country ticket (AUD 29.90 per person) together with the lunch (additional AUD10). Sebab kat sana takde cafe yang jual food utk kau lunch. We did not buy the lunch dgn ticket sebab igtkan non-halal. Sekali sampai sana, ada chicken chop, rice, pasta and few more looking-delicious food. And semuanya halal ! MNi siap tanya kat kitchen and they showed the halal cert.Fine.... we were so lapar at that time. Tibai je lah beli buffet lunch on the spot. Kalau beli on the spot harga AUD20 per person. Argh kalau tau halal pasti lah aku beli dalam ticket kan. Save AUD10 per person. Cis cis cis.
Aryan and MNi's first kangaroo experience ! Aryan memula takut nak dekat..
Balik dari Paradise Country ni, trus kami melepak at Surfers Paradise. Had dinner and balik hotel terbongkang. Penat mental (sebab hangin gila dgn travel agent Brisbane tour tak menjadi).

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