Monday, July 14, 2014

Please pray for Khalif's speedy recovery

Khalif is down with demam denggi. Yes, you read me right. My only 4 months old baby is down with dengue. 

I never thought baby sekecil Khalif akan terkena virus ni. And I did not know where the nyamuk came from. Agaknya ikut org naik lift ke tingkat 9. And Khalif memang takde pergi mana-mana last week. Hanya kat rumah. Pelik.

Apa-apa pun aku redha. Banyak banyak berdoa and berusaha.

Please pray for Khalif's speedy recovery. And pray that he will be strong to fight the virus. So far platlet reading alredy dropped from 390 to 171. And today is only Day 3. Kata doctor normally it takes at least 7 days to recover from demam and drop in platlet ni.

And of course aku tak puasa. Sebab I have to breastfeed Khalif sekerap mungkin. Ada org kata makan sup ketam- aku dah makan. Ada yg kata minum air pucuk betik- pun aku dah minum. Pergh pahit bukan main. Tapi takpe that is part of usaha. There's no cure utk virus denggi. Kat hospital pun doctor hanya monitor and kawal demam. That's all. I am hopeful Khalif will stay strong and takde komplikasi lain yang akan terjadi. I know my lil boy is strong inside out. Amin.

Based on my reading, hari 1-4 mmg akan demam panas. Day 5 demam akan reda but it doesnt mean dah OK. Sebab masa demam reda tu la normally virus akan merebak dgn bnyk dalam badan and bacaan platlet can be so low. That is the critical period. Kalau body boleh lawan that critical period, inshaAllah everything will go well.

Please Khalif. Stay strong. Ya Allah, sembuhkanlah anakku Khalif Aryan. Berilah dia kekuatan. Aminn Ya Rabb.


nAdia said...

Salam...smoga baby khalif cpt sembuh..insyaAllah..

Unknown said...

Insyaallah..semoga khalif cepat sembuh. Amin.